
The Post I Never Thought I’d Have to Write

I remember hearing a “good news, bad news” joke years ago. It made me laugh, but in an uncomfortable sort of way. It went something like this”

The good news is, you’re going to heaven. The bad news is, you’re going tonight!

Sure, as Christians, we look forward to enjoying the “sweet by and by,” the theme of the hymn written in the mid 1800’s by Sanford Bennett. But, most of us would like to put off going there just a while longer. Actually, a lot longer. We’ve got stuff to do. We have spouses we want to spend time with, children we want to see succeed, and grandchildren to spoil.

Unfortunately, I find myself with limited time left to enjoy the blessings that I for so long took for granted. I want to take a moment to tell you about it.

Over all I’m very healthy. I eat clean, consume a lot of supplements and have been very fit. Back in early February of this year I came down with pneumonia. I just couldn’t shake the symptoms so I went on a very strong antibiotic. It did the job, and I was back at work a week and a half or so later. I was also able to return to Mt. Hood Meadows where I teach snowboarding part-time and gave a final lesson of the year to my grandson, Keller. He’s a natural, a quick study!

But, I began to experience symptoms which suggested I was becoming dairy and/or gluten intolerant. By early spring the symptoms had increased to a point where my primary care doctor suggested a colonoscopy. It went well, but the lab report from a biopsy taken during the procedure revealed microscopic colitis. I thought to myself, “Where did that come from?” I figured the antibiotic might have had something to do with it.

In reviewing my blood work and some additional labs, a couple of results stood out; the main one being my albumin levels were low and I was losing a lot of protein. While my doctor suggested I increase my protein intake, he also suggested I see a kidney doctor.  I did, and this doctor diagnosed me with kidney disease. The labs suggested my condition was moderate.

I researched what leads to this disease and found three primary factors: Obesity, hyper-tension, and diabetes. I had none of these. It didn’t make sense to me. The doctor also had no explanation. He did say I needed a kidney biopsy to pinpoint the kind of disease I had. This biopsy revealed I had something far worse: AL Amyloidosis.

AL Amyloidosis is rare. Actually, saying it’s rare is an understatement. It strikes one person in one hundred thousand according to some statistics I’ve read. There is no known cause, and there is no cure. Life expectancy from the time of diagnosis is months to a few years, with some exceptions. It’s not linked to food, environment, or stress. The common treatment to slow its progress is chemo. There are complimentary approaches like acupuncture and nutritional strategies which I am already pursuing, but little is known due to its rareness. It doesn’t get a lot of attention.

I have a new doctor I’ll be seeing today who works out of OHSU. Fortunately, OHSU has one of the few amyloidosis centers in the country. While not staffed and financed like the Mayo or Stanford centers, I’m grateful it’s a resource for me to access and be helped by. In the next couple of weeks I’ll have one or more biopsies and various scans which will include being checked for myeloma (blood cancer).

I know what I’ve told you sounds grim, and it is, at least some parts of it are. I hate it. I hate the angst it’s causing my family. But, there’s no pretending what I’m facing. Ignorance is not bliss, for me anyway.

So, why am I writing this to you? First, I wanted to tell you that Basic Skills is not going to go away. As I journey down this uncertain road, my wife Jenny, daughter Natalie, and amazing staff will be playing a more active role in our business. They’ll be picking up the slack for me. I don’t plan to quit working. While I love what I do, and what I do truly energizes me, I realize that my appointment schedule with various doctors along with my treatment strategy, whatever that becomes, will be my highest priority. I want to live as long as I can, with the best quality of life possible.

I also wanted to ask you to remember us in your prayers. Healing prayer for me, yes, of course, please! Anything else you think of, please bring it before Jesus.  Paul, tells the Corinthian church in 2 Corinthians: 1 of his affliction, his despondency, his lack of strength, his giving up. And then he recounts his trust, deliverance, and blessing by God. God’s blessing is linked, at least in part, to their many prayers.

At this point I’m thinking I’ll occasionally post updates on the Basic Skills Facebook page to let you know how things are going. This will also be the primary way I’ll be letting you know what you may pray for too.

Thank you for standing with us in this difficult time.


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  1. I’m so saddened by the news, Curt!
    You (and Jenny, Natalie, and the whole family) are in my prayers.

    1. Curt, I am so sorry to hear this! Being your 1st cousin, was this something genetic, or do the doctors have any idea why? I know and believe God has a plan, but HE is still the Great Physician and my prayer is for this prayer to give you a longer life. Please know my church, Sagemont Church ( http://www.sagemontchurch.org ) will be in prayer for you.

      Holy Father, I humbly come before you to ask for healing. A healing that will have the doctors saying it can only be YOU, the Great Physician who is able. I thank you, lord, for Your love and mercy, and I ask for grace and comfort at this time for Curt and his family. We love you lord, with all our heart soul and mind.

      1. Hi Sally,

        Thank you for praying.

        No, the AL form of this that I have is not genetic. It looks like my kidneys are the most damaged, staged at level 3 (moderate). I do remember Uncle Clint going on kidney dialysis back in the 80’s I think, But then, I thought he was able to go off dialysis. I even heard he was able to enjoy Mexican food which all of us Bumcrots enjoy (or in my case, used to- I’m watching what I eat so carefully). My memory might be off. I’d check with Kris about this. If you find out anything helpful, PM or email me. Curt

    2. Curt,
      This is Vickie Gatley.
      Are you a candidate for kidney transplant?
      Praying for you as you embark on this journey.
      Some days it can be devastating, but most days God’s presence is so intense He makes it easy to lean into him. I totally get that part about family suffering. I think that’s the most difficult. Know that you all are being held up in much prayer and rest in Jesus knowing He has the power to heal and knows what the very best is for you and yours.
      You have been a blessing to so many and we are all praying for you. Please feel free to contact me if you need to talk, or to help you find resources.

      1. Hi Vickie,
        Good question about the kidney transplant. A lot hinges on whether the Amyloides are in other organs, Unfortunately, it looks they’re in the gastro track too based on symptoms I’ve been experiencing. . Still, it’s not conclusive yet as the labs are not complete. I do have four kidney donors ready to give. Shoot with level of generosity, I’d have a back up :).

    1. Thank you, Nathan, for your prayers. I’m imaging you’re still teaching or was it coaching too? I know God has been and will continue to be faithful. I remind myself he will never leave us or forsake us.

  2. Dear curt and family,
    I do not know you personally; but have been receiving your home school e-mails for many years. You will be in our families prayers.
    Since I lost my husband after a twelve year struggle with health issues in 2012, my heart will be especially sensitive to the feeling your wife may be experiencing during this time.
    May God walk this valley WITH you day by day AND CARRY you when you are too weak to walk alone. May our GREAT physician bring healing to your entire body.
    Karen Mudd

    1. Hi Karen,
      What you, yourself, experienced cannot be comprehended by others unless they’ve been through it themselves. For myself, and I bet for you, what you anticipated, together with your husband, was watching your children grow up, have their own children, and the two of you slowing down your pace of life as you enjoyed your retirement years. I always assumed, I’d have time. God has seemed hidden in much of what our family is going through, yet also unmistakably present and merciful. Yes, all this weights heavily on Jenny. But, I’ve been given some good gifts, at least that’s how I see them- I have time to set things up for Jenny, energy to do what needs to be done (I’m still feeling good and can work a full day right now), a great, loyal, and compassionate staff to help me, and pretty good notes on how things work at home and the office so it won’t be so much of a mystery. And like you say, when that day comes when I’m too weak to walk alone, I know he will be there to walk with me. Thank you for your kind words and prayers.

  3. I will be praying Curt, especially for healing. I will keep Jenny in my prayers as well and your whole family as well.

    1. Thanks, Kathie, You’ve been such a good friend to Jenny and me over the years. And your test coordinating for us in Bend has made our work of testing virtually effortless, We were able to combine our work there each year with some vacation, something our kids always looked forward to- the highlight of the testing season for them.

  4. Curt, I am so sorry to hear this news. You, Jenny and Natalie will certainly be in our prayers as well as Basic Skills. God is faithful Curt.
    We’re praying for miraculous healing, however it comes and abounding grace to carry you all.

    1. Thank you, Judy. Miraculous is the word for sure.. We have so many people praying for us and making themselves available to help. We’re very grateful for you and everyone.

  5. Curt and Jenny – you have been a part of my life in homeschooling for the past twenty years and I have appreciated all that you have provided me as a homeschooling mom. I am so sorry to hear this news and our family will definitely be praying for you and your family. Please know that I am available for support and encouragement if you need it. It is my prayer that you will experience special grace and the presence of the Lord through this difficult journey. In my experience, in the dark valleys are where His light shines brightest. Love to you, Lori

  6. Hey Curt. So saddened to read this news. I know as cousins we haven’t seen a lot of each other over the years but memories pop up in my mind now and then. So sorry you and your family are going through this and I will keep you all in my prayers. I plan to do some research as well as it’s so important to stay informed. Love to you and your family….

    Your cuz, Helen

    1. Thanks, Helen. I know I’ve been somewhat disconnected from the family. Please do pray, and feel free to send on any ideas my way.

  7. I’m so sorry you are faced with this terribly hard providence. I will be praying for you and your family as you walk through the valley of the shadow.

    1. Hi Amy. As I read your comment, I thought of Psalm 16:6: “The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; indeed, I have a beautiful inheritance.” I take it that the “lines” could be understood as an expression of providence. What I’m facing is hard, like you say, even brutal, yet combined with pleasantness. And when it comes to my beautiful inheritance, my wonderful family, friends, and the grace God has poured out me, what more could I ask for? Still, grappling with this thing is overwhelming. It’s one day at a time which sounds cliche, but really is true. Thank you for your prayers..

    1. Curt and Jenny and family what sad news for you all. Curt you and Jenny have meant so much to the support of our family so many years ago as we homeschooled our kids together.. we will pray to the One who alone answers our prayers and knows our individual paths. God can be trusted in even this. May the Lord provide for all you and your families needs through the blessings of others and in Him alone. We will pray for healing for you either here on earth or if He takes you home. Thank you Curt for your servants heart and the blessings you and Jenny have been in our lives.

      Bill and Becky in Vancouver
      David in battleground
      Mary in Salem.

      1. Yes, Becky, we do go way back. In someways, while it’s been years since we were both home schooling our kids, I have many memories that seem like yesterday and a long time ago when they were all attending classes here. Thank you for praying.

    2. Thanks for reaching out, Hala. That means a lot to me. Jenny and I have been down to vacation in California each spring break for the last 3 years. We drive by my dad’s place, now your home. I’m glad you’re the ones living there now, and taking care of things. Please take care.

  8. Great friends,

    We are very familiar with diagnosis’s of shortened life and health from the lofty ivory towers. Above that ivory is the One who made the canvas of our circumstances to lovingly paint His overcoming power through Jesus for others to amazingly observe and be transformed. You have been transforming youth toward Christ all of your working life Curt, including our four Basic Skills children! Your attitude of persistence and desire to keep Basic Skills ministry vitalized is precisely Christ-like. I think of Paul in Rome winning the prison guards he’s shackled to-to Christ while awaiting execution!

    We have partnered together for decades in prayer with each other for our children’s lives, So shall we continue to partner with you in prayer for health.

    1. Randy and Cindy, Jenny and I have so many great memories of how our families’ lives have intersected through the years. You and your kids are all family to us. I remember celebrating holidays together, and one particular Thanksgiving , and the great meal prepared by you, Cindy, We were entering a particularly difficult time, Randy, your commitment to street evangelism has left an eternal imprint on myself and Ryan. I remember with great fondness when you, I, and Ryan would go down to Portland and the conversational way you presented the gospel. Ryan is keeping that conversation going on the streets of Seattle. Jenny and I love you both.

  9. Curt I am praying for you and your family. We serve a God who is also The Great Physician!
    Please keep me updated!
    In Christ’s Love, Cindy

    1. Shoot, Cindy, you were my first “TA” when Jenny and I moved to Oregon and I accepted the teaching position at NCCS. We go back almost 4 decades! That in itself says a lot. I really appreciate hearing from you and staying in touch. It means a lot to me. Thank you for your prayers.

  10. Your family has been such a pilar in this community over the years.. We are praying for complete healing. Sending much love

    1. Thank you, Julie. Jenny and I admire you and your family. And I’m especially thankful in particular for a couple of your boys- one who took care of my chiropractic needs, the other who helped with our website in the early days of our internet presence. Thank you for your prayers.

  11. I have loved you all for so long. It’s hard to remember when you weren’t in my life. I’m so sorry for this news, but am thankful you have some good doctors to give you clear direction. I believe in miracles. I’m sure hundreds of prayers will be spoken to the great physician on your behalf. You are not alone! You are dearly loved by many!

    1. So true, Amanda. We both arrived from CA around the same time to teach at NCCS, too many years ago to admit. You’ve been an integral part of our families life, especially when the kids were younger. I can still see the “door decorations” you made at the times of each of their births! While I do have some great doctors supporting and guiding me, I prefer the “miracle” option you suggest.. Thanks for your prayers.

  12. What a story to share Curt! Sorry to read of your health issues. Prayers for you, your family and medical staff as you walk this journey. We homeschooled years ago and now our son’s family is too. God bless you in this time of uncertainty and hang in there. God’s mercies are new every morning, oh Lord unto me!

    1. Hi Becky, glad to hear your son’s family is home schooling too. Jenny and I saw more second generation kids testing this year than ever before, some approaching their teen years. I thought, how can this be? You nailed it with the word, “uncertainty.” While we do have a loose road map of how we’re going to walk this out, we really don’t know until after the fact. One of my employees reminded me of Proverbs 3:5-6. Believing it, but still not easy.

    1. Thanks, Jeff. Hard to believe we’ve known each other for 40 years, You were a doughnut maker, and I was a janitor at the time. But God graced us, and we both married amazing women who were way above our pay grade. Thanks for your prayer.

  13. I am so saddened to hear this news, Curt. I have been praying for you all this morning. I am trusting God to miraculously heal you. You are a blessing and you have been a tremendous blessing to my boys. Thank you for your compassion and support of my boys Samuel and Elijah. We will continue to pray for you.
    Jeremiah 30:17 NLT
    “I will give you back your health and heal your wounds,” says the Lord.

    1. Hi Mercedes, I appreciate your family, and have enjoyed getting to know you and the boys over the last few years. Yes, please keep praying.

    1. When I think about prayer, I’ve come to see how much a “community” activity it is. “Our” father in heaven… as the Lord taught us to say. Thank you, Sarah, for being part of the group and upholding us in your prayers.

  14. So sad to hear this news, Will be praying for you and your family. Will you please post an update here occasionally for those of us who aren’t on Facebook?

    1. Hi Mary Ann, Thank you for your prayers. Thanks for your suggestion. Any updates that go out through Facebook will also be posted on our blog under “Updates from Curt.”

    1. Thank you, Kari. Jenny mentioned to me your conversation. I’d like to take you up on it. Please PM me or Jenny (text or voice) about arranging this.

  15. Oh, I’m so sorry to hear this. I will be praying for you, your family and Basic Skills. Please keep us posted so we know how to pray for you.

    1. Thank you Lorna, for your prayers. That means a lot to me. Updates will appear on our Facebook page and posted on our blog.

    1. I’ve know you both and your families for so many years. I’ve got great memories of you, Heidi, as our office manager. I think you came to work for me around the time we joking concluding, “Whoever occupies the front desk will be married within a year or so.” Pretty sure that happened for at least four of my office managers, your sister Katie included. Thanks for standing with us and praying.

  16. Thank you Lorna, for your prayers. That means a lot to me. Look for updates on our Facebook page and posts on our blog.

  17. Our turn to pray for you. My goodness. It’s always so very sudden, out of the blue. I was told my body has breast cancer in February just like that-out of the blue. Praying for you and your family is easy cause it’s so real in my family also.

  18. Curt, Mark and I will be keeping you and your dear family in our prayers on a daily basis. Your Basic Skills ministry was such a God send and a blessing to our family. Please reach out to us if there is anything you or your family needs. We will gladly help. Sending our love.

  19. Curt, I just heard. I will be praying for you and your family as you walk this uncertain path in life. You have always been a steady source of tests for the homeschooled community. That has been such a blessing.

  20. Curt, we’re so sorry to hear about your health news. Please know that our family will keep you and your family in our prayers.

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