Together Again


Jenny and I started Basic Skills in 1987. We had two children, Ryan (newborn) and Natalie (age four). Four years later Katelyn, our youngest, was born. Around this time we started doing group testing around the state. Jenny and I packed the kids in a mini-van with a car-top carrier and off we went. We were gone for weeks at a time. I don’t know how we got everything to fit, but somehow we made it work. We were together a lot.

We home schooled while at the same time running Basic Skills in our home. What I desired more than anything else was a relationship with my kids that would endure. I know parents with far better skills than me. They’ve had the best of intentions, commitment, and sacrifice, but it hasn’t worked out for them the way it has for me. I really don’t know what to say about this, and it’s probably best to say nothing. To speculate why, about what doesn’t make sense, what we don’t understand, isn’t helpful.

My kids, like many of yours, are now grown. We weren’t without our struggles, and they weren’t small issues. For the last ten years it’s been rare for all of us to be together and when we were, it was usually during a holiday. Our time together was over as quickly as it began.

This last Sunday we were together once again. I got to give my youngest daughter, Katelyn, away in marriage to a young, man, Steven. I like him a lot. Standing in front of the officiant, I reminded Steven I was the first to spoil her (while she, in the process, wrapped me around her little finger). Now it would be his turn.

So, there were my kids, now adults, along with Jenny and me, all together once again.

My son, Ryan, ordained and “vested by the state of Oregon” officiating the wedding. I’m so proud of him!

My oldest daughter, Natalie, standing next to Katelyn as her maid of honor. Her striking beauty only superseded by her character and love for her children.

My amazingly patient and wonderful wife, Jenny, of 40 years looking on with me, tears mingled with joy.

With a word, my son, as the officiant, pronounced my daughter and Steven, husband and wife.  Later, when entering the reception, they were no longer simply Steven and Katelyn. They were officially introduced as Mr. and Mrs. Steven Adams.

An ordinary, but authoritative “word,” forever changed their relationship.

I think that’s how God does most things, at least many things- through words that affect us, that change us.  And significantly, words spoken to us or on behalf of us by others, fellow believers.

A few thoughts:

  • Your children hear God’s word through you as you read the Bible to them. The Bible you have, the Scriptures, are words passed down to you by others.

Teach (your) children, so the next generation would know them, even the children yet to be born,   and they in turn would tell their children. Psalm 78:6

  • The word of forgiveness, the gospel, spoken to us by another.

How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching? – Romans 10:14

  • Prayer spoken to the Father on behalf of each other.

Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working. – James 5:16

Your prayers mean so much to me. I don’t feel alone, knowing I’m not alone, knowing you’re praying for me and Jenny.

Here’s what you can pray for:

  • Jenny is handling a lot of communication between insurance companies, several medical clinics, hospitals, and health providers. It has quickly become a full-time job for her. Coordinating and putting the pieces together is complicated, especially when it comes to coverage issues with “out of network” providers who have the expertise I need. Pray that I am able to see the right people at the right time.
  • I have another biopsy, this time taken from my bone marrow. It’s scheduled for Tuesday, assuming insurance will cover it. I’m a little nervous since I was told that all I will receive is a “local”, something topical like lidocaine, and that it will definitely hurt. I said, “Great. While the doctor is extracting plasma and bone chips, can’t we pull someone in to put me out or at least work some twilight magic through an IV?” I was told that bringing in an additional person would delay scheduling the procedure so I opted to just do it. Please pray for calmness on my part and skillful hands and technique by the doctor.
  • I would love for the biopsy samples to show somehow this thing isn’t as advanced, or even that its retreating and I’m being healed. Pray for healing.
  • I also have an electro cardio gram scheduled this week as well. One of the organs amyloidosis can attack is the heart. I am hoping the scan will show no evidence of this. Please pray this is the case.
  • And finally, please remember my daughter and new son-in-law in your prayers.

That’s probably enough for me to bring up for now.  I’ll let you know how things go in about a week.

In Christ,


P.S. Thank you for the comments, emails, phone calls, and messages I have received over the past week. Though I am not able to respond to all of them, I have read and am grateful for every single one. For those of you who don’t have Facebook, I have created a page on this website where I will post updates.

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  1. Please know that I’m praying for you and Jenny, and for full healing. May tomorrow’s procedure go by quickly and with minimal discomfort. Thanks for the update!
    God bless you.

  2. So sad to hear this…but we will earnestly pray all you have suggested…and more. We love you all and have much admiration for your service to the home school community and all you have helped us with in the past. We hope to see you this fall. Fred and Bonnie

  3. Curt and Jennie ~ You have a huge community surrounding YOU- covering you both in prayer as you walk this difficult season. You have poured out so much to so many of our families – please don’t hesitate to let this extended family help you guys. No doubt there is an army ready to give a helping hand!

  4. Curt and Jenny, I was so saddened to hear the news of this diagnosis. We believe in a powerful God and I am praying for your family as you walk through this difficult journey. May you be comforted by God’s peace and all the saints praying for you. May the procedure go quickly and with minimal pain tomorrow. We’re praying for your complete healing and trust God with the answer.

  5. Praying daily for you, Jenny, and your family. Asking our Great Physician to heal you, comfort you, and bring skilled doctors for your appointments.

  6. Praying for all your requests above. Thank you to all your services to homeschoolers in Oregon. Thank you for teaching both my kids several years back.

  7. Greetings Cuz. Roger here. My wife Helen & I still reside here in Las Vegas, Nevada. Cousin Sue & I have agreed to be your family prayer warriors. Please know that we will continue to lift you in prayer on a regular basis. My wife Helen has work as an administrative assistant at a Methodist church for 4 years now. & she will be adding you & the whole family to their ongoing. neve ending prayer chain. Know that God is watching over you & will comfort you throughout all you are going thru. I also want to ask you to keep my wife Helen & I in your prayers. For 5 years now she has been suffering with an incurable desease known as, “LIMFODIMA.” Its a massive swelling & discolorization of both her legs between the knee & the ankle. She’s been without insurance since 2013 but has recently found a way to get looked at. Tomorrow morning, (9-26-18), she has an appointment with a cardiologist & we hope to narrow things down as to how & why this desease has been a part of her life. Please keep her in your prayers. Lets talk some day please. May God’s love filled blessings give you comfort, peace, & understanding. We love you Cuz. I’m listing my wifes email address here. I don’t have one! Sorry. Amen to us all!

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